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ZNC is an IRC bounce with many advanced features such as a built-in web interface, persistent connection (detaching), multiple users, per channel playback buffer, SSL, IPv6, transparent DCC bouncing, and c++ module support, to name a few.

SSL Configuration

Comming soon...

NOTE: See ZNC Configuration for more guidance on customization.

IRC Client Setup

Coming soon...

ZNC Commands

Commands are given to ZNC by messaging the virtual user *status. Likewise, modules are communicated to by messaging *modname as well.

Alternatively you can use /znc command instead of /msg *status command and /znc *module command instead of /msg *module command

+------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Command | Arguments | Description | +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | Version | | Prints which version of znc this is | | ListDCCs | | List all active DCCs | | ListMods | | List all loaded modules | | ListAvailMods | | List all available modules | | ListChans | | List all channels | | ListNicks | <#chan> | List all nicks on a channel | | ListServers | | List all servers | | AddServer | <host> [[+]port] [pass] | Add a server to the list | | RemServer | <host> | Remove a server from the list | | Enablechan | <#chan> | Enable the channel | | Detach | <#chan> | Detach from the channel | | Topics | | Show topics in all channels | | PlayBuffer | <#chan> | Play back the buffer for a given channel | | ClearBuffer | <#chan> | Clear the buffer for a given channel | | ClearAllChannelBuffers | | Clear the channel buffers | | SetBuffer | <#chan> [linecount] | Set the buffer count for a channel | | SetVHost | <vhost (ip preferred)> | Set the VHost for this connection | | ClearVHost | | Clear the VHost for this connection | | Jump | | Jump to the next server in the list | | Disconnect | | Disconnect from IRC | | Connect | | Reconnect to IRC | | Send | <nick> <file> | Send a shell file to a nick on IRC | | Get | <file> | Send a shell file to yourself | | LoadMod | <module> | Load a module | | UnloadMod | <module> | Unload a module | | ReloadMod | <module> | Reload a module | | ShowMOTD | | Show the message of the day | | SetMOTD | <Message> | Set the message of the day | | AddMOTD | <Message> | Append <Message> to MOTD | | ClearMOTD | | Clear the MOTD | | Rehash | | Reload znc.conf from disk | | SaveConfig | | Save the current settings to disk | | ListUsers | | List all users/clients connected to znc | | ListClients | [User] | List all clients connected to your znc user | | Traffic | | Show basic traffic stats for all znc users | | Uptime | | Show how long ZNC is already running | | Broadcast | [message] | Broadcast a message to all users | | Shutdown | [message] | Shutdown znc completely | | Restart | [message] | Restarts znc | +------------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------------------------+