Masquerade email address

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If you have followed Outgoing mail via Gmail or Enable Outgoing Emails tutorial, you will notice that the sending email address is not properly formed. For example, it appears as vs This can be easily changed with a minor update to Postfix.

You can force Postfix to send local emails with your preferred email address as the "sender" header. This means that when you send mails using "mail" or mails automatically sent by root,you can get your email at the from field.

vi /etc/postfix/sender_canonical
  • Create the /etc/postfix/sender_canonical, and add user -> email references like this:

  • Create /etc/postfix/sender_canonical.db file:
postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical
  • Add sender_canonical variable to /etc/postfix/
postconf -e "sender_canonical_maps=hash:/etc/postfix/sender_canonical"
  • Restart postfix:
systemctl restart postfix.service

REF: Make Postfix rewrite sender header on local mails