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, 04:04, 21 March 2010
Storage Pooling is a technology to pool disk drives and make them look as if they were all part of a single pool of disk.
The implementation technology in Storage Pooling is [http://greyhole.pommepause.com/ Greyhole].
Greyhole is an application that uses Samba to create a storage pool of all your available hard drives (whatever their size, however they're connected), and allows you to create redundant copies of the files you store, in order to prevent data loss when part of your hardware fails.
From this pool, space is allocated for all Shares participating in the pool.
In short, Greyhole offers:
* JBOD storage pool (Just A Bunch of Disks)
* Per share redundancy: file replication on a per-share
* Easily recoverable files: you can read them with other systems
== File Replication ==
Greyhole allows file replication, to provide protection against some hardware failures.
Greyhole offers three options:
* '''-''': Initially, files in a share in the pool are stored once in the pool, without extra copies stored (a '-' in the option)
* '''Many''': You can specify how many '''extra''' copies you want for files in that share. The total limit in the number of copies is the number of partitions joined in the pool.
* '''Always max''': Alternatively, you can specify this option so that the number of copies always matches your partitions, even if you reduce or increase the number of partitions participating in the pool. You want this option for valuable files.
Check out some diagrams explaining things in deail in the [http://greyhole.pommepause.com/ Greyhole] home page.
Note that Greyhole is not a backup solution. If a file is removed, all copies are removed.