* If you havent ran this already
* Open a terminal (set the samba password for the root user. You need to remember this for later!):
{{Code|<pre>smbpasswd -a root
smbpasswd -e root
service smb restart
service nmb restart}}</pre>
* if your running Ubuntu 12.04 you will get a error saying smb: unrecogized service or nmb: unrecogized service, you can restart samba through the dashboard then Setup, then servers, click on Samba and click restart.
3. Back to windows!
4. Back to Amahi!
* Open a terminal
{{Code| sudo useradd -s /bin/false -d /dev/null ComputerNameNotedEarlier$ sudo smbpasswd -a -m ComputerNameNotedEarlier}}
* Remember the $ on the first line but not the second!
* This code authorizes your computer to connect