= Download =
[http://dl.amahi.org/getiso.php?file=Amahi-5.3-Express-2.5-Beta-i386.iso Amahi Express Install CDWarning, i386]400MB ISO downloads!
*for For use with older 32 bit and 64 bit processors to include Intel Pentium III and IV, Core Duo, AMD Athlon etc. :
[http://dl.amahi.org/getiso.php?file=Amahi-5.34-Express-2.56-Beta-x86_64i386.iso Amahi Express Install CD, x86_64i386]
*for For use with new dual, triple, quad, hex core processors to include Intel Core 2 Duo/Quad, AMD Phenom, Athlon II, Athlon X2 etc.
(Warning [http://dl.amahi.org/getiso.php?file=Amahi-5.3-Express-2.5-Beta-x86_64.iso Amahi Express Install CD, 400MB ISO downloads!)x86_64]
= Installation =