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This is to make it easier to make themes. One can start with a fairly "thin" theme and enhance it over time by adding new images and improvements.
= Making a Theme into an App =
Once you have a theme built, you want to have other people install it and test it for release.
You have to become a contributor to be able to add apps. The core team can do it (email support at support@..).
* With that, go to the My Apps area in your control panel at
* Create an app
* Call it SomethingSomething Theme, like "Morning Sunshine Theme"
* In the field called kind put "theme"
* Make sure your theme compressed tarball uncompresses to a single directory with the theme codename and version, like sunshine-1.0/
* In the Source URL put the URL to the compressed theme tarball (.tar.gz or .tar.bz2). You can host it on your own or in the
* In the sha1sum field put the sha1sum of the tarball
= Resources =
* [ Kuler], to select theme swatches
= Making a Theme Faster in Less Time =
To tweak a theme fast, [ Userstyles] is the home of the "Stylish" Firefox extension. It is similar to greasemonkey in that it can change the look of a page on the fly.
Although the advantage for theme coders is that it modifies CSS so you can write your theme in the browser and and then copy paste it to a .css file in your theme instead of writing it in a text editor and saving it then refreshing the page to see your changes. Making theme development UBER fast.
= Tips =
* Set the background-color of the application icons on the dashboard to white. This will make the icons better visable. Also, it won't matter what color the theme hasall consistent.
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