* loganalyzer - server not found - no errors in the log file
* Drupal - Installs ok, but app is not installed...prompts for install.
* Wordpress - Main page works, but when you login it prompts can't add post as most links in dashboard prompt you to open or save wp-login.phpthem* Transmission - installs but has an error nothing seems to be installed - may need an special rpm for the daemon runningARM?
* CrashPlan - Doesn't work; installed Java JRE doesn't run: -bash: /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java: cannot execute binary file. More info on getting it working on ARM: http://plugcomputer.org/plugforum/index.php?topic=1633.0
* SABnzbd+: after installing, yum always spit this error: '''Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: rpmfusion-free''' (RPMFusion free and non free apps not available for ARM).