How to run Running Amahi on AmazonCloud computing service.discussion is ongoing on the amahi forum about this. IMPORTANT: THOSE INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT LEAD TO A FULLY WORKING AMAHI SYSTEM: 1) Register to Amazon AWS1) launch instance of AMI "ami-0d638d64"2) ssh into it with the command shown on the amazon console3) create a user with useradd -p PASSWORD USERNAME4) check that /dev/null is readable, if not do a: chmod go+rw /dev/null5) from your home computer generate a ssh key if you don's Cloud Servicest already have one (check ~/.ssh/ for an file) with: ssh-keygen6) upload your ssh key to the running instance with: scp -i YOURKEYPAIR.pem ~/.ssh/ root@INSTANCEPUBLICIP:/home/USERNAME/ 7)from your server again move your keypair to the authorized ssh key with mv ~/id_rsa ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2 8) check that /dev/null is readable, if not do a: chmod go+rw /dev/null9) use route and ifconfig to find out your network setting10) create your hda profile accordingly as root follow the instruction on the wiki for a [[Self-install]], on reboot disable DHCP and SAMBA server as they conflict with amazon network settings.