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842 bytes added ,  02:05, 21 December 2010
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* Windows 2000: HDAConnect3 looks for 'route.exe' in the 'C:\windows\system32' folder. This folder doesn't exist on Windows 2000, where the systemfolder is called 'WINNT'. As a result, the install works, but the connection will not work. As a workaround, create the folder 'C:\windows\system32' and copy 'route.exe' from the 'C:\WINNT\system32' folder into it. after this HDAconnect3 should work on Windows 2000. DISCLAIMER: This hasn't been tested thoroughly, it might or might not work for your particular setup.
Run Connect/Disconnect/Preconnect Scripts
There are three diffrent scripts that OpenVPN GUI can execute to help
with diffrent tasks like mapping network drives.
Preconnect If a file named "xxx_pre.bat" exist in the config folder
where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
this will be executed BEFORE the OpenVPN tunnel is established.
Connect If a file named "xxx_up.bat" exist in the config folder
where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
this will be executed AFTER the OpenVPN tunnel is established.
Disconnect If a file named "xxx_down.bat" exist in the config folder
where xxx is the same as your OpenVPN config file name,
this will be executed BEFORE the OpenVPN tunnel is closed.
== Old Versions ==
