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1 byte removed ,  18:25, 9 January 2011
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3. As root, run <code>./</code>
4. As root, run <code>service aes start</code> to start the service, and <code>chkconfig --add aes on</code> to make the service start on boot. Be careful, when you start the service the sytem MAY go to sleep when you don't expect it. 5. Navigate to <code>/usr/bin/aes</code> and run <code>./aes.rb --shownetworkhosts</code> to show and select to add any currently active network host to the list of monitored hosts. Run <code>./aes.rb --showmonitoredhosts</code> to check the monitored hosts and delete the ones you want to remove.
5. As root, run <code>service aes start</code> to start the service, and <code>chkconfig --add aes on</code> to make the service start on boot. Be careful, when you start the service the sytem MAY go to sleep when you don't expect it.
