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2,589 bytes added ,  07:51, 5 April 2011
Added tutorial for connecting Droid X
You should now see an Amahi entry, click on this to connect, you should see that you are connected, enjoy your VPN connection to your HDA server.
= VPN Client - Android - DROID X (Verizon Wireless) =
Contact me in the forums if you need help setting this up.
[[User:Sag47|Sag47]] 00:51, 5 April 2011 (PDT)
This tutorial is not for the feeble minded. I tried writing it as best as I could to keep it a "How to VPN" article and not a "How to root my droid" topic.
The default Droid X from Verizon does not come with openvpn installed. It's a little annoying and you have to be a little tech savvy to get it working. I am outlining instructions here for how I connected my Droid X to my Amahi HDA.
Some prerequisites:
* Your phone must be rooted.
* I am running Android 2.2 so these instructions may become outdated. I also recommend you be running Android 2.2 Froyo on your Droid X
* You should have adb installed (or running a more advanced bash terminal on Android like Better Terminal Emulator Pro app)
* Install the following apps
** OpenVPN Installer
** OpenVPN Settings
Create a directory on your SDCARD called openvpn or if in the terminal /sdcard/openvpn.
Follow the general [[VPNLinux]] instructions but place all of the configurations and certificates in the openvpn folder on your sdcard.
Install openvpn using the "OpenVPN Installer" app and select /system/bin each time the app asks for a location to place a binary.
You can run one of the following commands to grab the mount point of your system folder.
df | grep system
cat /proc/mounts | grep system
cat /proc/mounts
My device is mounted on /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 so that is the device I am using in this tutorial. Download tun_alt.ko as recommended in [ this post]. Copy it to the root of your sdcard.
Now we install the kernel module. Run the following command sequence.
mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
mv /sdcard/tun_alt.ko /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
cd /system/lib/modules
chown root\: tun.ko
chmod 644 tun.ko
#now lets test it
insmod /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
If you don't see any output and the "OpenVPN Installer" app successfully installed openvpn then you should be set up.
Double check your configuration in /sdcard/openvpn. Once you know everything is good then run the "OpenVPN Settings" app. It should automatically detect your configuration.
Enable OpenVPN. Select your config to turn on the tunnel. Then you should see a prompt in your notification status prompting for a password. My Droid X connected to the network after that.
[[Category: VPN]]
