* restart mediatomb: <small>service mediatomb restart</small>
==== Samsung configuration ====
The default configuration of MediaTomb is optimized for use with a PS3. However, it is also possible to use MediaTomb to stream avi files to Samsung TV's.
'''Note''' This might cause PS3-support to fail.
To enable MediaTomb to stream avi files to your Samsung TV, do the following:
As root-user:<br>
* Add the following after line 28 of <small>/etc/mediatomb/config.xml</small>
Code= <custom-http-headers>
<add header="transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming"/>
<add header="contentFeatures.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_OP=01;DLNA.ORG_CI=0;DLNA.ORG_FLAGS=017000 00000000000000000000000000"/>
* Change line 91 of <small>/etc/mediatomb/config.xml</small> into
Code= <map from="avi" to="video/x-divx"/>}}
* Save the config.xml and restart MediaTomb
<small>service mediatomb restart</small>
* Remove and re-add all you avi files
=== Troubleshooting: ===