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674 bytes added ,  09:46, 20 May 2012
no edit summary
* Coppermine Photo Gallery
* Crafty Syntax
* dokuwiki (12.04)
* dotProject
* eFront
* My Tiny Todo (12.04)
* Online Bookmarks
* OpenDB (12.04)
* osTicket
* php Address Book (12.04)
* phpdb (12.04)
* phpCoin (12.04)
* PHP-Fusion (12.04)
* PhpGedView
* phpMyAdmin
* phpMyBackup (12.04)
* phpMyFAQ
* phpwcms (12.04)
* Support Incident Tracker
* TCExam
* The Address Book (12.04)* The Family Address Book(12.04)
* TikiWiki
* TinCanJukebox
* 3 day forecast (installs, but does say every address or zip is invalid) (and of course it is US only)
* Adito (java apps seem to have probs)
* ajaxterm (install problems)
* dropbox (install problems, ruby warnings)
* HAMweather (Sha error when downloading)
* homeinv (empty web page)
* jenkins (install problem (file location))
* MediaTomb-Debian (see ); work in progress
* MindTerm
* monitorix (installs, gives forbidden when browsed to)
* myphpmoney (installs, gives sql error on web page)
* phplist (gives key too long when installing)
* phpRecipeBook (installs fine, but cannot log in)
* Pick 'Em (installs fine, login screen is empty)
* qbittorrent (hard reference so /sbin/service in install script; ubuntu has /service in /usr/sbin, also has several other install issues)* vcddb (empty web page)* webmin (fedora dependencies in install script)* znc (install problems)
* Generally applications requiring sudo still seem to have a problem
* Some PHP depends do not install. Ubuntu uses php5-gd vs Fedora php-gd
