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323 bytes removed ,  20:33, 25 October 2009
no edit summary
Your Amahi name forms the first part of your Gateway name: '''[Amahiname]'''. Although it's not my real gateway name, for the purposes of this tutorial, I have given a tip of the hat to Isaac Asimov and his Foundation Trilogy. Now provide your hda username and user password. If there's more than one computer user at home, there are probably more than one of these. (This is NOT your overall Amahi account name and password.) I've used HariSeldon in this example and, by checking “Display Passwords” below, I've demonstrated that you don't have to “type in dark” when it comes to your password. (Five bonus points are awarded if you know who R. Dos Dors Venabili is, and TEN extra points are awarded if you know what the abbreviation “R.” stands for.)
# I'm even newer to Amahi.
# Stuff like OpenVPN is pretty much over my head. Maybe I just got lucky, but I was able to get “lucky” the same way on two different Ubuntu laptops in the last two days, one running version 9.10 and the other running 9.04. (Admittedly, the graphics in 9.04 are “prettier,” but I wanted to use 9.10 in this tutorial so it wouldn't get “outdated” so quickly.)
This tutorial is my first real contribution to the Open Source community. If you find things which need to be corrected or ways in which this tutorial can be improved, jump in and make it better. (This is a wiki, after all.) Maybe you, too, will wind up making the first of many contributions the Open Source community.
--[[User:Curbuntu|Curbuntu]] 02:39, 25 October 2009 (UTC)
