## <code>gem install bundler</code>
# exit the root user and use a regular user. you will need to reinstall fedora if you skip this step :(
# download the [https://dl.dropbox.com/u/364883/Amahi/121016-amahi-7.tar.bz2 latest tarball]or latest from the git repo
# extract the tarball into your user folder use tar or your file manager-extract function
# <code>cd ~/amahi-7</code>
To stop the development server, just hit <code>Ctrl+C</code> in the terminal where you started the server.
== Core Amahi packages ==
1) The next step is getting hdactl and hda-platform installed. First let's install the dependencies:
yum -y install bind bind-utils caching-nameserver sudo dhcp samba httpd
yum -y install monit perl-Authen-PAM fpaste
yum -y install ruby-mysql ruby-libs eruby ruby-augeas
yum -y install ruby-irb ruby-racc rubygem-rdoc eruby-libs
yum -y install perl-Authen-PAM perl-libwww-perl
yum -y install cadaver php php-mysql perl-URI filesystem rubygem-passenger
2) Here is one binary, compiled on Fedora 17, for [http://alpha.amahi.org/tmp/hdactl-4.2.1-1.x86_64.rpm 64bits] and '''only 64bits'''.
3) In addition, here is another binary for hda-platform, also compiled on Fedora 17, for [http://alpha.amahi.org/tmp/hda-platform-6.2.1-1.noarch.rpm 64bits] and '''only 64bits, even though it's a noarch rpm'''. This is a temporary work-around.
== Running Tests ==