* Ensure that Fedora updates are done after the DVD installation.
=== Local Fedora Repository Repositories === In order to reduce the amount of software packages that might have to be downloaded during a disc build process, local Fedora "base" and "updates" repositories should be used. These local repositories (repos) have an added advantage as the build machine can receive its' software updates ( i.e. yum -y update ) from them. The repos in this example will be stored in the "/opt" directory. What is this directory normally used for? I am so glad you asked. According the the "Filesystem Hierarchy Standard" (FHS) definition: ''"The root directory for Software Collections is normally located in the "/opt/ directory" to avoid possible'' '' conflicts between Software Collections and the base system installation."'' It is recommended to have the file system hierarchy conform to the following layout: /opt/'''provider'''/'''application-version'''/ '''where:''' - "provider" is the provider (vendor) name registered with the Linux Foundation. - application-version indicates the software collection version. This can be done via one name or an ordered organization of subdirectories.
information coming, I promise . . .