* Copy the main "comps xml" file to the local repo directory structure.
<blockquote>{{Code|cp /media/optdrive/repodata/*comps*.xml /opt/fedora/f18/i386/base/comps.xml}}</blockquote>
* Go to the Fedora 18 URL "" and download the following Packages:
* Go to the "base", Packages, "a" directory and remove the following production Anaconda Installer packages:
* Copy the downloaded "test" Anaconda V12 packages to the "base", Packages, "a" directory.
* Go to "/opt/fedora/f18/i386/base".
* Go to the local "base" repo and generate the "base" repo files.
<blockquote>{{Code|cd /opt/fedora/f18/i386/base # go to the base package directory
createrepo . # refresh the "base" repo database
createrepo -g comps.xml . # refresh the comps.xml for group changes}}</blockquote>
:Please notice the "dot" after createrepo, it's important.
* Populate the "updates" repo.