* [[FreeNX]]: Accessing your HDA with FreeNX
* SSH based access to your HDA: [[Key-Based SSH Logins]]
== Troubleshooting ==
* [[Installation troubleshooting]]
* [[Network troubleshooting]]
* [[Shares troubleshooting]]
* [[VPN troubleshooting]]
* Vista networking clients with the latest updates from MS try [[Vista Networking Issue]]
* [[Disabling Automatic Updates]]
=Doing More=
* [[Self-install]]: Alternative installation instructions
* [[Amahi on a VM]]: Installing Amahi in a Virtual Machine
== Troubleshooting ==
* [[Installation troubleshooting]]
* [[Network troubleshooting]]
* [[Shares troubleshooting]]
* [[VPN troubleshooting]]
* Vista networking clients with the latest updates from MS try [[Vista Networking Issue]]
* [[Disabling Automatic Updates]]
= Related Links =