=HardOther Ideas= * Add support for UPnP control of home routers from within the setup pages, e.g. to easily and dynamically control settings like DHCP Integrate a mail server enable/disable, port forwarding, etc.* Add support for Ubuntu orRouter integration, in generalUPNP, debian-based distributions* Add support for an Android based distribution direct control* Enhance REST API to support management from other interfaces Port AES (eg. Android, iPhoneAmahi Energy Server)* Build Android or iPhone interface to control home server* Integrate one of the more complex applications, such as** MythTV back-end** FUPPES UPnP server (or other UPnP/DLNA server, eg. uShare, mediatomb)** firewall (Shorewall, moonwall, ...) ** Asterisk** OpenPBXAmahi 7* Integration of LDAP as a back-end management system, calendaring
* Feature development (examples):
** Easily change domain/DHCP settings managed by Amahi** Use external Calendaring, and internal domain (internet/intranet)** Change share servers to use a plugin system to allow each share to select which server they use** Browseable selection of files and paths in dashboard** Ability to add/mount disks via browser interface** Seamlessly add drives as an option for share points =Medium= * Enhance the theme engine to handle mainstream templates directly or with minimal configuration (e.g. Drupal, Wordpress, or others)* Replace BIND as DNS server by a more dynamic, reconfigurable DNS server* Build an integrated contact manager application =Easy=* Improve the theme engine to handle more sophisticated themes: possible work-around - owncloud* For the more design-oriented, build new and exciting themesmobile theme(s)
Plus, of course we are open to suggestions. Open a dialog. We're happy to discuss and determine a suitable project.
For other ideas, review our page on how to [[Contribute]]. Then explore our [http://forums.amahi.org/viewforum.php?f=15 suggestions forum] and our new [http://bugs.amahi.org/ bug tracker] (features suggested).
Amahi is a platform that will support the deployment of other open source applications. If you are interested in the integration of applications in your area of interest, just contact us with suggestions.