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install Amahi 7 on a Raspberry Pi
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'''This page is being edited actively and a lot of sections are missing currently; feel free to help improving it.'''

=Current state=

Amahi can be installed and running under development on a Raspberry Pi.
I have only managed to get the core platform running so there are no applications tested.
<!--However the code is still not very mature and not many applications have been tested. Also it is not as smooth to install things as it is with the Fedora version.

This page describes how to get things working.
Note that due to the immature state of the code installing it is mainly interested for people who want to get a feeling of it, help in testing and resolving issues.

=Known Issues=

Feel free to add issues here. If you add an issue an email to the amahi developers list with a more detailed description and/or a bug report in our bugzilla is also greatly appreciated.

* some Ruby gems will not install without some manual work before.

* A copy of Pidora-2014-R2-1 can be download from the Raspberry download website.
* A Raspberry Pi model b or b+.
* A 8GB SD card or bigger.
* A PC to copy the Pidora image onto the SD card.

=Tested platform=

* Raspberry PI


The easiest way to install the Pidora is to use the win32 disk imager program. download form here

* A computer with at least 5 GB of free disk space, running one of these operating systems:
Windows Vista or Windows 7

* An SD or SDHC card, with a capacity of 4GB or more. (Good-quality class 4 cards usually work well). You may use a MicroSD card with an adapter.
* An SD/SDHC card writer, either built in to the computer or connected to a USB port.

Step one

Currently there are three different ways to install the system. They are listed in order of difficulty, simplest first, most difficult but most flexible last.
Note that the last two ways assume that you install Debian yourself.

Please note that is is far from complete so do not attempt to install this:
* on systems with other valuable data
* if you feel uncomfortable with Linux
* if you have a low threshold against bugs

Most of this was tested on debian 6.0.4 on a 386 VM (using virtualbox).

==Installation using an image file==

to be written

==Installation using prebuilt packages==

<b>Currently this is only supported on 32bit. </b>

You need to install Debian on your platform. No special packages are needed. E.g. when installing on a system without a display there is no need to install a graphical desktop.

For Debian on PC I used this guide: and used this iso:

For SheevaPlug I used this guide:

There are two things to keep in mind:
When being asked for a mysql root password, leave the password empty (actually you will get this question more than once). <br>
For any question you get just hit return.

Then perform the following steps '''while logged in as root or with the sudo command''':
* wget
* sh debian.install yourinstallcode
Where yourinstallcode is an install code you generated on

Note, while installing you will face a long wait after the message "install code looks good" and after "initializing plugin factory"

When done, reboot the system and open a browser to http://hda
The system will ask you to log in, use the user that you created while installing debian. Note that after log in amahi will force you to change the password of that user to a different (!) password.

Note: on arm it might be that mysql initialisation is not completely done when hdactl is started. You can see that if ps ax | grep hdactl only gives one hdactl process and your grep task. In that case kill the hdactl task and start hdactl manually (with /etc/init.d/hdactl start)

==Installation using the sources==

Note: the procedure below describes how to generate the packages from the sources. This procedure requires the amahi git. However at the moment there are several patches pending to be committed. While generating will work, there are probably some issues present that are fixed in the binary version.

* Install debian. If you install mysql do not give it a root password.
* on this system perform the following steps:
* git clone git://
* wget
* sh buildit
Note that the script now requires root access

You have now build your packages. you now can install the packages by performing the following steps:
* echo "deb file:/root/amahirepo ./" >>/etc/apt/sources.list
* apt-get update
* apt-get --force-yes -y install hda-platform
* hda-install your-install-code
where your-install-code is the code you obtain from www.amahi;org

Note that the echo line modifying sources.list only needs to do once. Also you need to adapt the path to the place where your repo dir is. If you ran as root it will probably be the location I gave.

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