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Mount the hard drive(s)/partition(s) for use in the HDA.
Execute the following command. It will create drive1, drive2, etc and mount the hard drive(s) automatically:
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
</div><br />
Ignoring /dev/sda1 - already in /etc/fstab or mounted
Mounted /dev/<strong style="color:green">sdb1</strong> as '<strong style="color:red">/var/hda/files/drives/drive1</strong>' (read-write)
You may want your system to mount it every time you boot.
To do so, add this line VERY CAREFULLY to /etc/fstab and reboot:
<strong style="color:blue">UUID=547b073d-e591-4913-b4fb-7c5084353979 /var/hda/files/drives/drive1 ext4 defaults 1 2</strong>
All Linux, Windows and Mac partitions on non-removable disks have been mounted
The new hard drive storage space can be used for [[Adding_a_second_hard_drive_to_your_HDA#All Shares|All Shares]], [[Adding_a_second_hard_drive_to_your_HDA#Some Shares|Some Shares]], or the [[Adding_a_second_hard_drive_to_your_HDA#Greyhole Storage Pool|Greyhole Storage Pool]]. Follow the guidance below based on desired usage.
