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Revision as of 23:56, 25 August 2011


The Amahi Express install does not install the graphical user interface gnome. This Guide instructs you on how to install the X Server as well as to make the X Server boot everytime. To install after Amahi Express has finished installing execute the following commands:


Become root:

bash code
​su -​

Enter your password for the root user

bash code
​yum -y groupinstall "X Window System" "GNOME Desktop Environment"

For the users who want KDE

bash code
​yum -y groupinstall "X Windows System" "KDE"


You can remove the packages i.e.:

bash code
​yum groupremove "KDE"

Configure Your Display

You may also need to configure your display:

bash code
​Xorg :1 -configure​

Then we need to move the new config file so Xorg can read it.

bash code
​cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf​

Next we need to make sure it boots into init 5. Run the following command to accomplish this:

bash code
​sed -i 's/id:3:initdefault:/id:5:initdefault:/g' /etc/inittab​

You can either reboot or boot into the GNOME/KDE Desktop:

bash code

Automatic Login

If you want a specified user to login (if you are using MythTV or some other app which requires the X Server) then please do so with these instructions.


The Amahi Team