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In its current state, your new VM is off, and also NOT set to start automatically when the Proxmox node boots up. This setting can be changed later, as you see fit.<br />
Congrats! you&#39;ve created the virtual machine that your HDA will use.</li><br /> <li><br /> To accommodate <strong>the Greyhole Landing Zone volume</strong> on this VM, you can add a single drive image to the VM to act as the LZ storage mount, typically known to Amahi users as &#39;/var/hda/files&#39;.<br />
- Under the &#39;hardware&#39; tab, click &quot;add&quot; &gt; &quot;hard disk&quot; &gt; &#39;VIRTIO&#39; &gt; device &#39;1&#39; &gt; storage &#39;local&#39;<br />
- Decide how big this drive is to be. It is limited only by how much &#39;local&#39; storage is available in that Proxmox partition. A good suggestion is 500MB to 1TB because the LZ needs to be big enough to handle your data moving into the storage pool. Once again the remaining options are up to you, but leave cache at &#39;default&#39;. I would suggest to NOT include this LZ drive image in backups and snapshots (There's no need to back this up unless you will have shares NOT marked for pooling. Finally, click &quot;Add&quot; and this drive is added to the VM</li><br />
At this point, with the HDA VM highlighted, click the &quot;Start&quot; button at the top right of the window and it will boot up. Right away, click the &quot;console&quot; button just to the right of the migrate button.&nbsp;<br />
This will launch a window which will be the display for the VM. You will see a normal boot that will boot from the ISO you selected earlier.</li>
During installation, you can setup the second drive you added to mount &#39;/var/hda/files&#39;, thus creating your shares Landing Zone partition right away at install of Fedora/Ubuntu.</li>
Installation at this time is just the same as documented by the OS and in the Amahi installation procedures. Please refer to those until your next boot.<br />
