Linux-hda commands

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General Linux/HDA Commands
service httpd start = restart web server
yum -y update = Automatically update fedora
rpm -Uvh*.*-*.noarch.rpm = updates HDA
rpm -q hda-platform = check to see what version of HDA your running.
ps guax | grep yum = kills all yum process

service amahi-ushare restart = restart ushare after adding new content

vncserver = Starts the VNCServer
vncserver -kill :1 = Stops the VNCServer

/etc/init.d/mt-daapd start
/etc/init.d/mt-daapd stop

greyhole --daemon = Start the daemon
greyhole --fsck = Schedule a fsck
greyhole --balance = Balance available space on storage pool devices
greyhole --stats = Display statistics
greyhole --empty-attic = Empty attic
greyhole --debug <filename> = Debug file operations
greyhole --thaw = List frozen directories
greyhole --thaw <share/directory> = Thaw a frozen directory
greyhole --prerotate = Pre-rotate task
greyhole --postrotate = Post-rotate task

When <path>, one of your storage pool directories, is/will become unavailable:
greyhole --wait-for <path> = <path> will return soon
greyhole --gone <path> = <path> is gone for good
greyhole --going <path> = <path> will be gone for good

See Linux Basic Commands most users will need.