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* Edit /etc/rc.local, and add the following line:
<div style="border: 1px solid #A3B1BF; padding: .5em 1em; color: #000; background-color: #E6F2FF; margin: 3px 3px 1em 3px;">
service mount_shares_locally start

Revision as of 03:08, 20 December 2010

Mounting your Samba shares locally is useful when you are using Greyhole, and want to write or in any way work with those files locally. Greyhole data should only be accessed through shares, so mounting those shares locally is an easy way to work with Greyhole data safely.

  • Install the mount_shares_locally initd script:
curl -o /etc/init.d/mount_shares_locally http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3022105/Amahi/mount_shares_locally
chmod +x /etc/init.d/mount_shares_locally
chkconfig --add mount_shares_locally
  • Edit /etc/init.d/mount_shares_locally in a text editor, and replace your_username (on line 12) with your username.
  • Create the /home/<your_username>/.smb_credentials file. This is a simple text file (use your favorite text editor).
  • Edit /etc/rc.local, and add the following line:
service mount_shares_locally start

To test your new mounts, you can execute service mount_shares_locally start
You will find the mounted shares in /mnt/samba/*
service mount_shares_locally stop will unmount the local shares.

Note: if you used /etc/rc.local and /etc/fstab to mount shares locally in the past, you can remove what you added in those files now. The above initd script replaces all this.