* The usual rules of IRC apply. * Keep the good vibe, be polite and to the topic.
* For anything longer than three lines, please use pastebin http://amahi.pastebin.com
* For screenshots, you can use http://www.scrnshots.com (need to sign up first, though; let us know if you know of one that does not require login!)
* For specific problems that require a good description, the [http://forums.amahi.org Amahi Forums] are probably best. Post the specifics there and discuss in IRC.
* The [http://wiki.amahi.org Amahi Wiki] is another great resource. Remember you can contribute too, enhancing or creating new guides.
'''Note''': While we try to respond promptly to whatever questions you may come in with, please keep in mind that we can’t always respond ''instantaneously.'' So please, stick around for a little while and give us a chance to realize there’s channel activity before you give up.
However, if we really all do seem asleep, feel free to ask your question over on the [http://forums.amahi.org forums].