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Revision as of 17:16, 14 May 2011 by Cpg (talk | contribs)
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Warning.png WARNING
This is recommended only for advanced users, proceed with caution.


  • No applications are available for Ubuntu yet. This is on purpose, so that we keep the focus tightly on platform stability before chasing ghosts in apps
  • Only supported on 10.04 desktop
  • 32bit is the platform of choice. 64bit is not as well supported yet (if you must test on 64b platforms, please report issues). arm is not supported yet
  • This has been also tested on Debian, but not as well as in Ubuntu

How to install Amahi on Ubuntu

  1. Download Ubuntu 10.04
  2. Install Ubuntu. Only 10.04 has been tested. If you want to test other releases, let us know if or how they work.
  3. Open a terminal and become root by typing: su -
  4. Double check your network settings with ifconfig and route -n
  5. Make sure you have the proper network settings set up in your [control panel], with one profile and one install code
  6. Get the installer: wget http://ubuntu.amahi.org/debian.install
  7. Then start the install with your install code
       sh debian.install YOUR_INSTALL_CODE

This should take a little while and many messages will flash by the screen.

At the end, reboot.


Refer to the Debian page for the latest info, how to install via other methods and development updates.

The old Ubuntu information (mostly out of date now) is in the Ubuntu old page.